We bought a house! We started looking February last year and closed Memorial Day weekend. It has been such a joy to make a home with Ryan. It's my favorite thing to do and my favorite place to be. We are still figuring out where to put things and deciding on things like curtains and area rugs. And I love our kitchen! We have dreams of reconfiguring the pantry and a few hall cupboards just to make everything fit just right. But I love standing in my kitchen cooking dinner and being home.
I haven't baked in my kitchen as much as I would have liked to. It feels like life just sort of happened and baking wasn't a part of it. I did find time to make my favorite banana bread a few times (there's even a loaf in the oven as I write this). I did learn a few lessons this past year that I should have informed you of as soon as they happened because some were gems. The best: do not leave a pie on the stove when you take it out of the oven. Because when your spouse helps you when you're busy, takes the pie out of the oven and leaves it on the stove and then you come home and heat some water for tea you might just turn on the burner the pie was left on. And then it will explode. And you will run into the kitchen with bare feet to turn the burner off and, well, it's just not good. And this was all on the night before Thanksgiving!
Lesson definitely learned. Luckily I had some pumpkin ginger bundt on hand to contribute to the family meal. This fact slightly eased my pain, physical and emotional, but I couldn't help crying "this was going to be my best pie ever!" Oh, well. I'll just have to try again next year.
I hope to continue baking and sharing my stories with you and that you find inspiration yourself to get in your kitchen and create something delicious!
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